Why House Plants are Important?

Not only do indoor plants enhance the

overall appearance of a space, but

they've been shown to boost moods,

increase creativity and reduce stress

The 1970s have had a huge influence in home trends for a few years now and it doesn't look as though that influence is going anywhere anytime soon. The warmer shades of the spectrum – think mustard yellow, rust orange, soft peach, green shades and plenty of gold – as well as natural materials such as rattan and macramé are giving our homes a cosy and inviting feeling, something we crave when we want to feel more grounded.
Did you know that plants can make you more creative? That they can help you to be sick less and make you think more clearly? Here are just a few of the ways that science has shown us why house plants don't just look good but are beneficial for both your home as well as your health.
Whether we're trekking through a patch of woodlandsy or simply heading to the park to walk the dog, a walk outdoors in nature lifts our mood. There's a reason for that. Nature is well known to help us alleviate stress, depression and anxiety.
With large windows that let in plenty of natural light and the ability to add your own personal touch, Essential Living offers rental spaces in beautiful London areas, perfect for adding house plants to your home. With so much scientific evidence suggesting that house plants are good for our home and health, isn't it time you welcome some greenery into your home?
Unfortunately, our indoor environments can be higher in pollutants than our outside air with things like plastics, fabrics, carpet cleaners and fabric softeners creating VOCs (volatile organic compounds) exposing us to fine particles, leading to dry eyes, headaches or even more serious health conditions like asthma and respiratory illnesses. Happily, house plants can help clean our indoor air too.
Scientists studying the air-purification capacities of indoor plants have found that in addition to carbon dioxide, they'll also help eliminate harmful compounds in VOCs by absorbing them into their leaves and roots. The microorganisms that live in the soil of potted plans also play a role, neutralising VOCs and other pollutants.

why plants are important?

Plants provide us with food, fiber, shelter, medicine, and fuel. The basic food for all organisms is produced by green plants.

In the process of food production, oxygen is released. This oxygen, which we obtain from the air

we breathe, is essential to life.

Houseplants diseases

Common Houseplant Diseases: Houseplants can be afflicted with many different bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. Identification

can often be done through inspection of the plant and the growing conditions. Being able to identify the disease helps you to treat

your plant correctly and take steps to prevent further problems.

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Why People should have House Plants?

Nothing adds more beauty and comfort

to our homes indoor plants. Bedrooms,

bathrooms, kitchens, cubicles...

There really isn't a space a houseplant

can't enliven.

Indoor plants improve air quality in other ways as well. Plants release water vapor into the air, which increases humidity, and this can help improve respiratory and skin health by offsetting the drying effects of heating systems. This can be an incredible benefit to those with respiratory issues, headaches, and allergies. A positive effect of this increased oxygenation can be to improve our mood, energy, and mental focus. In fact, studies have found that when people were allowed to have indoor plants in their office space, their work performance improved! No wonder so many new tech offices are including indoor spaces reminiscent of forests and tropical oases. Not only are they beautiful, they also help people feel better and work better.

Types of House Plants

My green thumb came only as a result of

the mistakes I made while learning to see

things from the plant's point of view.

Spider Plant

Don't let the name scare you! Spider plants are quick to adapt to any environment and have very few problems, making this plant black thumb approved.

The spider plant gets its name from the little “pups” that resemble a spider's body and may also produce tiny white flowers off the long stems. The pups and flowers tend to bloom in the Summer. Spider plants were originally groundcover in the tropical rainforests of South Africa and moved into our homes in the 19th century.
Spider plants are very easy to care for too = perfect for the beginning plant collector. They tolerate a wide range of indoor environments (including artificial light in an office), but for maximum health and plantlet production, it's best to provide your spider plant with bright, indirect light and consistent watering. And if you're going for that retro vibe, you might consider getting your spider plant a handmade macramé hanger – especially one with those huge wooden beads. Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are fun because they don't just sit there being green – they're always doing something to draw your attention and invite you to interact with them. The “mother” plant is a thick cluster of slender leaves, which looks nice on its own, but then a bunch of baby spider plants appear on the ends of slender, arching stems. We take advantage of this by suspending spider plants in hangers and letting the plantlets (or “spiderettes”) dangle in mid-air.
Spider Plant will only grow in Moderate Sun. It will never grow in low and Full Sun. It needs LOW MAINTAINANCE.

Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky Bamboo, also known as Dracaena, has been an Asian symbol of good fortune and prosperity for thousands of years. Only recently has it made its way across the Pacific Ocean into the homes and offices of Westerners.

Lucky Bamboo originated in Southeast Asia. It has been used for 5,000 years in the practice of Feng Shui. Lucky Bamboo is said to bring health, love, and luck to whoever possesses it. The leaves of this plant can grow up to one inch per month.
The Lucky Bamboo plant has naked branches that end in tufts of long, thin leaves. As the plant ages, the growing leaves eventually develop into the plant stalk. For this reason, once the stalk is cut, it will no longer grow taller. As the stalk develops, the plant can be manipulated by wires to take on commonly-seen twisting, bending shapes. Leaves that have developed into a stalk can be clipped at its base and placed in distilled water to start more bamboo. The "parent" stalk then grows more leaf sprouts and continues this cycle.
So, to best enjoy this wonderful plant, simply place the Lucky Bamboo in one inch of distilled or purified water, set it in a corner of your home or office, and enjoy the good fortune, prosperity and positive energy it has to offer!
Lucky Bamboo will only grow in Moderate Sun. It will never grow in low and Full Sun. It needs MEDIUM MAINTAINANCE with replace water every 7 days.

Weeping Fig Plant

Weeping fig (also known as the ficus tree) grows as a large broadleaf evergreen tree in tropical and subtropical climates, but it is more often grown as a houseplant in homes, offices, and featured in interior commercial landscaping.

This elegant plant has slender branches that arch gracefully from a light gray trunk, with dense, glossy dark leaves. When grown indoors, the plants are normally pruned to keep them about 3 feet to 6 feet tall, and their trunks are sometimes braided for decorative appeal.
In tropical climates, weeping fig can be grown as specimen trees that reach up to 60 feet in height, and they are sometimes planted and pruned as hedges. Weeping fig grows easily indoors in containers filled with soil-based potting mix and positioned in bright indirect light or in sunny areas that get some afternoon shade. It should be regularly watered during the growing season but allowed to become drier from fall to late winter. Ficus trees do best with nighttime temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit and daytime temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Consider setting your thermostat to regulate temperature fluctuations in your home. In the summertime, do not use heavy air conditioning, since weeping figs will suffer if the indoor temperature drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. These plants are heavy feeders and need plenty of fertilizer throughout the growing season. Feed your ficus with slow-release pellets at the beginning of the growing season. They are rapid growers and will benefit from monthly fertilization in the spring and summer and once every two months in the fall and winter.
Weeping Fig will only grow in Moderate Sun. It will never grow in low and Full Sun. It needs MEDIUM MAINTAINANCE.

Moth Orchid Plant

Moth orchids have a short stem that bears several broad leathery leaves. Most species are epiphytic, with thick roots, and do not require soil to survive; potted plants are commonly sold loosely rooted with wood chips.

The Moth blooms striking colors all year round, which last for up to 3 months or more. When a stem is done with blooming flowers it can bloom again the following year, but prune if it starts turning brown or prune as soon as the flowers begin to fade
There are two ways to cut a stalk after flowering that growers follow. One way is to cut the plant an inch or two above a node "below the flowers" and another is to cut the stalk off an inch above the soil. Neither way is wrong and has it's purpose. Cutting near the node allows new blooms to grow on that stem quickly and another branch may grow. Cutting at the base gives the plant the opportunity to use it's energy to produce finer blooms next time round.
  • These orchids are plants that enjoy be provided with above average humidity levels.
  • Once a stalk begins growing over 12 inches tall or so, you will find it might need to be supported (with a stake) to grow upright.
  • The stalks stand tall, producing a number of flowers along the stalk and the large green oval shaped leaves sit close to the bottom of the stems and top roots.
Weeping Fig will only grow in Moderate Sun. It will never grow in low and Full Sun. It needs HIGH MAINTAINANCE.

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